A Music Fairy - 2007
A Music Fairy is a 44-minute documentary about Nazia Hassan directed and produced by Ahmad Haseeb. The documentary was screened at the Kara Film Festival in 2009.
The documentary starts with the Anwar Maqsood's tribute poem on Nazia Hassan and then talks about Nazia's childhood. Ahmad Haseeb uses rare music videos of Nazia and Zoheb like Disco Deewane, Boom Boom, Mujhay Chahie, Telephone Pyar & Hulla Gulla Karien Hum. The Documentary explains the death of Nazia Hassan, and ends with her funeral.
A Music Fairy is a non-commercial documentary. In an interview Ahmad Haseeb reveals that he has no plan to release it commercially, because it was his school thesis and too personal.
A Music Fairy is a 44 minutes documentary on the life of Asian Pop Star Nazia Hassan who died at the age of 35 in 2000. A Music Fairy has been screened in Ankara Film Festival, Turkey in 2012. The documentary was also screened at Kara Film Festival (2009), Youth Festival (2012) & Punjab Youth Festival (2014). A Music Fairy also won the best documentary award in 2007.
World screening
On 29 March 2012 A Music Fairy has been screened at University of Ankara under celebration of Pakistan Culutral Week "Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan" arranged by Embassy of Pakistan in Turkey. The documentary is appreciated by the audience.
Directed and Produced by Ahmad Haseeb.
*The documentary is for promotional purpose and has no commercial value.
A Music Fairy - 2007
Reviewed by Uncle Sam

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