Ribat-ul-Khail - Remount Mona Depot
This ISPR documentary has won the first prize in the International Film Festival Eserciti-e-popoli (armies and people) held at Bracciano, Rome (Italy).
Established in 1902, Remount Depot Mona, sprawled over a vast area of more than 10,000 acres; Mona Depot today stands out as the prime breeding grounds for finest quality horses, mules and donkeys, the equine family. Originally designed as a stable backbone for the regular supply of Mules -- Mountain Artillery Mules (MA) and General Services Mule (GS). Mona now holds the distinct pride for producing world class thorough-breed and Arabian horses. The Army Equitation School at Mona has been training officers and junior ranked personnel not only from Pakistan but also from friendly countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bangladesh, Jordan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal in different equestrian sports like Polo, Show Jumping and Riding. As mother nature guides Mona's life it also enables the inhabitants to live at peace with each other as well. Communal Harmony is at its best here. While the predominant Muslim population enjoy quality life at Mona with their Christian and Hindu comrades.
Ribat-ul-Khail - Remount Mona Depot
Reviewed by Uncle Sam

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