Ham k Theray Ajnabi-Fall of DHAKA 1971
This painful incident of History reminds us How the REAL MUSLIM FREEDOM FIGHTERS and later THE REAL FOUNDERS of PAKISTAN Got Deceived Miserably . First Ever Documentary based on truth which had been forged earlier by Pakistani leadership and bureaucracy to hide their Anti Muslim and Anti Islam role in division of Unity among Muslims . It starts from Partition of India at first place where Muslim League Leadership Betrayed Muslims of India in the name of Islam and the residue played a role in Partition of Pakistan it self... up-til now they are working . Muslims should understand how from start to end they are being played in the Hands of Anti Islamic elements and the Agents of The British and other crusaders .Their main agenda was to destroy Unity of Muslims of Sub Continent and they used Islam for sake of their personal and Political benefits all the time.
Ham k Theray Ajnabi-Fall of DHAKA 1971
Reviewed by Uncle Sam
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