Christians in Danger - 2002
In the dust and ruins of the slums of Islamabad, 500 Christian families cram into tattered tents. "Christians come from the poorest and most oppressed class in society," says the local Bishop. Few can afford proper schooling for their children. Even the traditional route of becoming a cleaner for a Muslim family is under threat. Since the attack on a Catholic church in Bahawalpur, which killed 22 church goers, the entire Christian community in Pakistan in nervous. With American pressure in Afghanistan and the Middle East mounting, the already unpopular Christians are the first victims of increased radicalisation. However, a visit to Rawalpindi girls' school shows a rare sight -- Christian and Muslim children taught together. Despite the armed guards at the doorway, they strive for their motto "work in peace". However, Christians in Islamabad are still prisoners of their poverty and their future is bleak.
Christians in Danger
00.00Islamabad, capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. More than ninety per cent of the city’s two million inhabitants are muslims.
But In amongst the shabby tents of the surrounding slums live an unloved minority – the Christians.
Five hundred families live in this ghetto, in cramped and filthy conditions. Money for health and hygiene services can only be found for the most needy.
The Christians who have converted are from the disadvantaged classes, thed pressed classes. There are no rich Hindus, or rich Muslims who got converted. They are all from the classses that are poor, depressed, who are living almost like slaves on the land of Muslims or in those days Hindu landlords, or Sikh landlords.
Since the attack on a catholic church in Bahawalpur which killed 22 church-goers, the entire Christian commmunity in Pakistan is nervous. In the slums of Islamabad the atmosphere remains tense. As ‚outsiders’, the residents here feel especially at risk. The war in neighbouring Afghanistan, and a sizeable American presence in the area is further radicalising many Islamic fundamentalist groups. Anger is focussed on the local Christians.
Three numbered classes in Pakistan. So that community is not giving us one number in Pakistan. But they’ve given us four number, three number in Pakistan. Mostly our people are cleaning up offices and cleaning the road. Not too much education in our peoples. They don’t get education, because our people are very poor. These days too much expensive, education. Books are very expensive, fees are very big.
Parents and community members have initiated school lessons on the dusty floors of the slum.
This is one of the Catholic schools in Rawalpindi. All the children come from poor christian families.
The Catholic Church runs a number of schools in Pakistan, many also open to Muslims as elite institutions. Even former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was a pupil at one of these schools. But even in such surroundings the fear of attacks are very real. The entrance is now guarded.
A bishps visit the Rawalpindi girls school. Nuns here teach both christian and Muslim children together. School fees depend on the social status of the families: poor families pay only a nominal fee. The girls are taught above all to see everyone as equal.
03.41 (Frage Reporter)
Girls, how many of you are Christian? Come on raise your hands. And those who are Muslims?
And you all like each other?
They are friends. Here we work in peace.
What do you do at Christmas?
We decorate our house, and we decorate a christmas tree in our house. Guests come to our house and we celebrate with all of them.
Do you also go to Church?
Yes, on the night of the 24th, we go to Church
Shakela is 14. She is illiterate. Her parents never sent her to school.
I have no school certificate because my parents could not afford to send me, they were so poor. Now I can only work as a cleaner.
In uptown Islamabad, Julius Salik, former Minorities Minister under Benazir Bhutto, lives in a cage. The activist and Christian is making a stand against the bombing of Afghanistan by the USA.
05.09 O.T. Julius Salik
At this time its war. I’m not helpful to stop the war. I am helpless. All people, Muslim people, holy Ramadan, I am locked up, I am helpless. Only with prayers can God help me get peace. Peace is peace. My religious idol is the Prince of Peace. In fact my solitary message is peace, peace.
Prisoners of their poverty and victims of attack, the Christians soldier on in the slums of Islamabad.
© 2013 Journeyman Pictures
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom
Christians in Danger - 2002
Reviewed by Uncle Sam

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