Al Qaeda's Safe Haven - 2007
In Pakistan's lawless tribal regions like Waziristan, Al Qaeda's training camps have reopened for business. Video footage shows Mullah Dadullah preaching to hundreds of suicide bombers.
Row upon row of masked men listen engrossed to the words of their leader. "Your bellies, your guts, your flesh and bones will be turned into nuclear weapons", Mullah Dadullah preaches. Every one of these men has signed up for 'martyrdom operations'. Mullah Dadullah has watched suicide bombers reduce Iraq to chaos. He plans to import these tactics to Afghanistan on a massive scale. One of the volunteers is Mohammad. He was motivated by the story of an Iraqi woman raped by Americans. He claims he trained alongside recruits from the West; "500 people from many countries, including Britain and America, went through this training". During the interview he gets a call. It's the order to go. Unhesitating, he puts on a jacket and disappears. We learn later his mission was aborted but he was killed in fighting. That fits a pattern. Up to now, suicide bombings in Afghanistan have been less effective than those in Iraq, mainly because they've been attacking hard targets like military convoys. But if Mullah Dadullah really is about to switch tactics, his army of suicide bombers will undoubtedly claim more victims.
01:00 GVs Wana
Pakistan's lawless tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan. This is where Al Qaeda and the Taliban retreated when the Americans drove them out of Afghanistan five years ago.
01:15 Driving shots
A group of local tribal reporters brave the road into the mountains to check out reports of fierce fighting. The Pushtun tribesmen here have in the past been loyal supporters of the Taliban.
01:27 Wana masked fighters high in mountains
But now they've been battling for weeks to drive out foreign militants loyal to Al Qaeda.At a bend in the mountains, masked fighters block the road. President Musharraf says these tribesmen have 'risen against the foreigners' and killed about 300 of them - mostly Uzbeks from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Local people say far fewer.
01:48 Driving shots of mud walled compounds
Fighters on road corner, guarding accessWalking between compound wallsLooking out through low doorwayMan peering into low doorwayPeering down hole in ground The reporters talk their way through. Further down the road, more tribesmen have sealed off a group of mud forts where Uzbeks were holed up - now they are all dead, or have fled.The fighters take the reporters round the battlefield. They say these forts were bases from which the Uzbeks terrorised local people, and show off a warren of tunnels that were used as dungeons. When they won the battle, they freed the last handful of prisoners.
02:16 Masked fighter talking to journalist holding microphone
We released three people from here. They were held for days without any food.
02:21 Checkpoint pictures
The Pakistani government would like us to believe that these battles are the result of deals it has made with its Pushtun tribes.But tribal leaders in South Waziristan say they took on the Uzbeks simply because they were behaving like criminals and bandits.
02:34 Commander in white turban
I swear by the Koran, we did not move against them at the request of the government. The reason is their activities. For the last three or four years, we have treated them as guests for the sake of Allah. But when people leave the path of God and start killing people just because they wont give them shelter or money, this is cruelty which we cannot accept.
02:56 Fighters, one with walkie talkie, in front of mud wall of fort
So whatever President Musharraf might say, it's far from clear whether these men have turned against the Taliban - the fighting might just be the result of clan rivalries within the Taliban.
03:07 Al Qaeda training camp video
What's not in doubt is the importance of these safe havens in Pakistan to the resurgence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban.This propaganda video recently distributed by Al Qaeda shows Arabic-speaking volunteers training in a landscape which looks very much like the tribal areas of North or South Waziristan. The message of the video is that Al Qaeda's training camps are open for business again and looking for recruits from all across the Muslim world.
03:38 Fighters at rally for suicide volunteers (this is footage shot by the Taliban but never officially released as a film by them)MS Dadullah (white turban) sitting behind fightersRows of suicide volunteers with white headbands
Fighters at rally
It is also in this border area - we're not quite sure which side of the border - that the rising star of the new Taliban, Mullah Dadullah, is recruiting and training suicide bombers by the hundred. Every one of these young men with a white strip of cloth round his head has signed up for what we call suicide and they call martyrdom.Dadallah has watched suicide bombing reduce Iraq to chaos and is determined to import the tactic to Afghanistan on a massive scale.
04:07 CU Mullah Dadullah addressing rally
Our weapons against the infidels are limited, because all the infidels have united and are dedicating to destroying the Muslims and using all their advanced technologies against Islam.
04:22 Rows of volunteers
WS new volunteers filing into rally. Crowd chants Allahu Akbar But I am telling you, your technology is the most successful. You have made your guts, your bellies, your flesh and bones into nuclear weapons. We dont need anything else.
04:37 Volunteers stream up to register their names for death.
04:41 Volunteers line up against wall of compoundPan L across fighters with guns standing behind rows of volunteers, past volunteer with video cameraMan writing down names of volunteers in line against wall.
These volunteers will have their turn in the next two to three years.The reason we register them is to prepare them mentally to carry out their mission even in America, and even if we ourselves die.They will carry out attacks such as you have never experienced before.
05:02 Young man with head wrapped in scarf in snowy landscape
Other fighters, including one with RPG An Afghan journalist filming for us managed to meet one of the suicide volunteers deep inside Afghanistan, in the central province of Ghazni.Mohammad Asim was 25, with two children. His comments reinforce the message that the new Taliban see themselves very much as part of the global jihad.
05:21 CU young man
10:24I was one of 500 people from many different Islamic countries who went through this training. This even included Muslims from America and Britain who registered and were trained as suicide bombers.
05:33 WS Young man taking call on mobile phone
Young man puts on grey waistcoat with wires sticking out of pocketYoung man embraces colleague[fade to black] Asim gets a call. Its the order to go. His jacket is packed with explosives.
05:54 [fade up from black]Rows of Dadullahs suicide volunteers
Dadullah sitting among fighters Sooner or later, some of these volunteers may be on their way to bomb London or New York.So this almost unreported war in Pakistan's inaccessible tribal areas is critical for Western security.
Thats why the almost unreported war in Pakistans tribal areas is critical for Western security.
06:07 GVs dusty street in Tank with moped tricycle
In South Waziristan, where this story, the Pakistani tribal fighters have taken on foreign militants.
06:13 Tank - Allied bank sign, pan left to Habib Bank.Interior burned out bank branch, men looking in through grilleBurned safeMan rescuing computer But just a few miles to the east in the town of Tank, Pakistani tribesmen loyal to the Taliban are are threatening to crippled the local government.In late March, 300 to 400 Taliban fighters attacked two bank branches, a government security compound, a college and government offices
06:35 CU police commander sitting in 4WD car1
Police commanderThese are militants who call themselves extremists. They want to create a parallel administration. But the governments authority will continue and we appeal to people to cooperate with the government.
06:48 MS police on armoured personnel carrierCU gunnerWS streetConvoy of armoured police vehicles thundering down street NATO forces are tied down fighting the Taliban across large swathes of Afghanistan. And Britain and America are still on high alert against suicide attacks on their own territory. It's hard to see how these threats can ever be defeated unless Pakistan can deny the Taliban and al Qaeda their safe havens in the Pakistani mountains.
07:10 END
Pakistan's lawless tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan. This is where Al Qaeda and the Taliban retreated when the Americans drove them out of Afghanistan five years ago.
01:15 Driving shots
A group of local tribal reporters brave the road into the mountains to check out reports of fierce fighting. The Pushtun tribesmen here have in the past been loyal supporters of the Taliban.
01:27 Wana masked fighters high in mountains
But now they've been battling for weeks to drive out foreign militants loyal to Al Qaeda.At a bend in the mountains, masked fighters block the road. President Musharraf says these tribesmen have 'risen against the foreigners' and killed about 300 of them - mostly Uzbeks from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Local people say far fewer.
01:48 Driving shots of mud walled compounds
Fighters on road corner, guarding accessWalking between compound wallsLooking out through low doorwayMan peering into low doorwayPeering down hole in ground The reporters talk their way through. Further down the road, more tribesmen have sealed off a group of mud forts where Uzbeks were holed up - now they are all dead, or have fled.The fighters take the reporters round the battlefield. They say these forts were bases from which the Uzbeks terrorised local people, and show off a warren of tunnels that were used as dungeons. When they won the battle, they freed the last handful of prisoners.
02:16 Masked fighter talking to journalist holding microphone
We released three people from here. They were held for days without any food.
02:21 Checkpoint pictures
The Pakistani government would like us to believe that these battles are the result of deals it has made with its Pushtun tribes.But tribal leaders in South Waziristan say they took on the Uzbeks simply because they were behaving like criminals and bandits.
02:34 Commander in white turban
I swear by the Koran, we did not move against them at the request of the government. The reason is their activities. For the last three or four years, we have treated them as guests for the sake of Allah. But when people leave the path of God and start killing people just because they wont give them shelter or money, this is cruelty which we cannot accept.
02:56 Fighters, one with walkie talkie, in front of mud wall of fort
So whatever President Musharraf might say, it's far from clear whether these men have turned against the Taliban - the fighting might just be the result of clan rivalries within the Taliban.
03:07 Al Qaeda training camp video
What's not in doubt is the importance of these safe havens in Pakistan to the resurgence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban.This propaganda video recently distributed by Al Qaeda shows Arabic-speaking volunteers training in a landscape which looks very much like the tribal areas of North or South Waziristan. The message of the video is that Al Qaeda's training camps are open for business again and looking for recruits from all across the Muslim world.
03:38 Fighters at rally for suicide volunteers (this is footage shot by the Taliban but never officially released as a film by them)MS Dadullah (white turban) sitting behind fightersRows of suicide volunteers with white headbands
Fighters at rally
It is also in this border area - we're not quite sure which side of the border - that the rising star of the new Taliban, Mullah Dadullah, is recruiting and training suicide bombers by the hundred. Every one of these young men with a white strip of cloth round his head has signed up for what we call suicide and they call martyrdom.Dadallah has watched suicide bombing reduce Iraq to chaos and is determined to import the tactic to Afghanistan on a massive scale.
04:07 CU Mullah Dadullah addressing rally
Our weapons against the infidels are limited, because all the infidels have united and are dedicating to destroying the Muslims and using all their advanced technologies against Islam.
04:22 Rows of volunteers
WS new volunteers filing into rally. Crowd chants Allahu Akbar But I am telling you, your technology is the most successful. You have made your guts, your bellies, your flesh and bones into nuclear weapons. We dont need anything else.
04:37 Volunteers stream up to register their names for death.
04:41 Volunteers line up against wall of compoundPan L across fighters with guns standing behind rows of volunteers, past volunteer with video cameraMan writing down names of volunteers in line against wall.
These volunteers will have their turn in the next two to three years.The reason we register them is to prepare them mentally to carry out their mission even in America, and even if we ourselves die.They will carry out attacks such as you have never experienced before.
05:02 Young man with head wrapped in scarf in snowy landscape
Other fighters, including one with RPG An Afghan journalist filming for us managed to meet one of the suicide volunteers deep inside Afghanistan, in the central province of Ghazni.Mohammad Asim was 25, with two children. His comments reinforce the message that the new Taliban see themselves very much as part of the global jihad.
05:21 CU young man
10:24I was one of 500 people from many different Islamic countries who went through this training. This even included Muslims from America and Britain who registered and were trained as suicide bombers.
05:33 WS Young man taking call on mobile phone
Young man puts on grey waistcoat with wires sticking out of pocketYoung man embraces colleague[fade to black] Asim gets a call. Its the order to go. His jacket is packed with explosives.
05:54 [fade up from black]Rows of Dadullahs suicide volunteers
Dadullah sitting among fighters Sooner or later, some of these volunteers may be on their way to bomb London or New York.So this almost unreported war in Pakistan's inaccessible tribal areas is critical for Western security.
Thats why the almost unreported war in Pakistans tribal areas is critical for Western security.
06:07 GVs dusty street in Tank with moped tricycle
In South Waziristan, where this story, the Pakistani tribal fighters have taken on foreign militants.
06:13 Tank - Allied bank sign, pan left to Habib Bank.Interior burned out bank branch, men looking in through grilleBurned safeMan rescuing computer But just a few miles to the east in the town of Tank, Pakistani tribesmen loyal to the Taliban are are threatening to crippled the local government.In late March, 300 to 400 Taliban fighters attacked two bank branches, a government security compound, a college and government offices
06:35 CU police commander sitting in 4WD car1
Police commanderThese are militants who call themselves extremists. They want to create a parallel administration. But the governments authority will continue and we appeal to people to cooperate with the government.
06:48 MS police on armoured personnel carrierCU gunnerWS streetConvoy of armoured police vehicles thundering down street NATO forces are tied down fighting the Taliban across large swathes of Afghanistan. And Britain and America are still on high alert against suicide attacks on their own territory. It's hard to see how these threats can ever be defeated unless Pakistan can deny the Taliban and al Qaeda their safe havens in the Pakistani mountains.
07:10 END
© 2013 Journeyman Pictures
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom
Al Qaeda's Safe Haven - 2007
Reviewed by Uncle Sam

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